Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I know just enough Spanish not to know any Italian.

I arrived in Trieste, Italy yesterday via a hopper plane complete with propellers. I felt like one of the Wright Brothers on a test flight!! The Trieste airport was tired and old. The luggage conveyor and push carts screeched out a symphony only old, under oiled equipment can produce. The dreaded “customs” check-in was a joke. They didn’t even ask for my passport. They just scanned my bag. All my cold medicine and taco mix made it through unscathed. No Italy passport stamp :( .

My hostel is nice. The front desk personnel speak English and are very helpful. I have my own room. It is HOT everywhere here. All I want to do is drink water.

I successfully retrieved my residency permit this morning!! All my business in Trieste is complete. Now I just have to figure out how to get to Ljubljana. I’m off to the train station for more info.
PS. If an Italian offers you apple mousse, don't get too excited. It's applesauce.


  1. I am relieved that you got your VISA and that many people speak English. Trieste sounds like a place where you might find Strega Nona. I bet you will meet other students in your same situation. I can't wait to hear how things are going. When does school start? I love you Mom.

  2. How exciting to read about your adventures in Slovenia. Dr. Seuss's art work comes to mind with your descriptions of planes, trains and hostels. So glad things are working out for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers each day. Bumpa and I send our love, Nana
