Monday, September 28, 2009

If you ever want a boyfriend. . don't read this post.

Weird see-through can. The bottom was plastic. It didn't taste very good.

Random street

Another random street

My neighborhood.

My building.

Today was my first day of Slovene kindergarten!! There were 50 some students from 29 different countries. We had to take a written test (on which I wrote down my name and turned in) and then an oral exam (I responded ‘I don’t understand’ to every question). They said not to try and guess, or you might end up a level above where you should be. It was a short day :)

After lunch, I went out for coffee with 3 girls. One from Poland, one from Hungary and one from Montenegro. Afterwards I sat outside the US embassy because I was supposed to let them know when I got here. They were closed from 11:30-1:00. How un-American.

My flat mates called me while I was waiting, and we ended up going for coffee, lunch and then to the store. Every time I do something that ‘s not “European,” they say “if you don’t want a boyfriend, you should keep doing that.” Haha. I was asking everyone what they carry their school books in. I showed them my awesome backpack from when I was in the Czech, and they said I shouldn’t wear it to school. I protested, and they replied “if you get there and everyone has a bag but you, call us and we will bring it to you.” They’re so sweet. Just like real kindergarten!! They don’t like my black North Face jacket either. :P

It doesn’t really feel like I’m studying abroad. This city is so easy to get around in. I never really get lost. Plus whenever we go anywhere, my flat mates just talk for me. When we go to eat, or when I need something, they do all the talking. It is really very kind of them, but eventually I will need to do some talking!


  1. They do all the talking? In Slovene?

    Haha. "If you want a boyfriend, don't do that." Sounds like I need a life coach like that. Thats great. Tell them I'm up for suggestions ;)

    (PS. Still super jealous of you :D )


  2. You are really going to know what men want when you get through with these guys.I think you should write a book. Atleast write down your experiences. This is very unique. Maybe other kids who want to live abroad might want to read about your experiences. Its good to hear from you. I love you, Mom
